We made some home-made ice cream this week! A friend lent me her ice cream maker - yipee. The instructions of doing it by hand sound long and tedious... let me know if you have made ice cream the hard way and how it was? Anyway the above picture is the mix in the saucepan before it is churned and turned into this....

This consistency was like soft serve so we froze again before it turned into this!

We don't usually do ice cream after Vegemite sandwiches but the wait to make ice cream ( a couple of days) nearly killed the poor child :-)

After using so many egg yolks you need to make something with all those egg whites! Friands are basically, egg white, sugar and butter! No wonder I hardly make them - they were delicious though. Where do Echidna's fit into ice cream and friands you might ask? After baking our friands I went outside to discover this.... (Echidna on the left).
Anya needs her own MCS corner!! Admittedly the outside of our house looks like a chalk board and we let Anya draw on the pavers with chalk.... I hate to stifle creativity but the house... really!?!? Stern words followed then I whipped out the camera :-) My daughter was obviously inspired by the Echidna we found and released back into the native parkland last week with Posie's children.
That was a long MCS - thanks for hanging in there! See what else everyone is up to this week over at Kirsty's.
Wow you found an echidna! What a great experience for you kids! I think i may have only seen one in the wild in my life. Such a special experience. I can see why your child was inspired to draw on the side of the house : 0
I'm sorry, but my sick, feverish self can't get past the ice cream.
Ice creeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeam.....
(Okay, I can see a damn cute echidna through the haze too. Just...)
That ice cream looks so delish! I've never made it myself before but have been tempted to buy an ice cream maker so I can give it a whirl...maybe one day.
Being from Canada I had no idea what that sweet little animal was, so I went and googled it. How fun that your family found one, they are so adorable and I love that they are named after a Greek mythological monster because that one you had sure doesn't look like much of a monster!
anya looks very satisfied after eating that icecream :) love the drawing!
Oh yay, homemade icecream!! We use the KitchenAid & as my husband collects attachments for it (like a woman buys sewing supplies) it can do anything from gelato to sausages to pasta now. Brilliant results, just don't count the calories.
I remember when friands were popular, until people realised what was in them, yes, pace yourself. They look beautiful, also love the shape. We make meringues with left over egg whites (normally to compliment an egg yolky carbonara).
Ah, my two big girls with the echinda, now famous in our family folklore. Lovely day, enjoy the goodies i dropped off & birthday celebrations, love Posie
I am sure the ice cream was yummy and I love friands but like you I don't make them often and fabulouse to see an echidna in the wild.
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