So many things happening at our house! I ordered two Lotta Jansdotter books from the Book Depository! Seriously fast delivery and great prices. These are for when I have time to actually make things for myself! And we are about to commit to a mortgage so I wanted to buy them before I felt guilty about spending on my hobbies ;p

Anya got creative in the pantry and made an Echidna!!!! With no help from me or suggestions... she disappeared, was very quiet and this is where I found her - I laughed so hard. There was much concentration and she wasn't up for posing for a photo - so we got an action shot.

Some bridesmaid 'Ballet Blossoms' for a custom order at Shop Handmade.

And finally a cute little custom headband for a Christening made from limited edition vintage lace.... No more custom orders for a while... busy munching on this - 4 weeks old last Monday! Time flies.

More creative spaces here.
Just beautiful!
What a clever litte mite making that echidna all by herself! Must take after her Mummy! And your wee man is looking just scrumptious. I've got Book Depository love too. Just ordered a stack of books and can't wait to get them. Are you buying a new house? As always, love your hair accessories.
it's always nice when they get quiet and it's not a mess you find :P
Beautiful headband..
The ballet blossons are beautiful. Very cute echidna. Quet kids in this house usually mean they are up to something they shouldn't be :)
Isn't it amazing when they create on their own. Sometimes when I'm clearing up in the evening I find things that I didn't even know had been made or when they had been made! The joys of being a mum. x
Those ballet blossoms are just gorgeous! And would go well with several of the items from my shopping splurge yesterday..... Maybe when you're up and running again you'll list them in etsy/made it?
Can't decide whether I think the Book Depository is the best thing EVER or the most evil thing on the planet! It's so tempting to just order books left right and centre at those prices.
I love the echidna, and of course your four-week-old creation. Just gorgeous.
I bet there is alot of inspiration in that gorgeous book.
Anya is one clever little girl.....she must get her creative talent from mum!
That echidna is so cute!!!
love the echidna! cute little ones :)
thanks for the link to the bookshop ~ they are great prices. fun books you've ordered too :)
the echidna is so cute ... she's catching the crrafting bug early!
My Creative Space
beautiful. love the echidna and that cute little baby
Have fun with Lotta - her books are great!
Mmmm. I've looked at that book so many times....let me know if you love it, I have been so close to buying it!
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