These gorgeous handmade paper beads came beautifully packaged in a hand sewn bag all the way from Africa! I learnt about No.41 through Ashley Ann recently and decided I would love to support these beautiful ladies in Africa trying to make a better life for themselves.

My beads smell of paint so I will be airing them for a bit then I can't wait to wear them. The fabric bag reminds me of a skirt my Mum wore in Africa, a lovely batik inspired print. You can simply donate to No.41's awesome project or go shopping for some gorgeous beads, aprons or bags.
These are so gorgeous Ros! Isn't that African fabric gorgeous too, I've been stocking up on some here in Kenya. Here are some lovely Kenyan options if you're after more great products.. Dignity Designs provides employment for mothers of children with disabilities, as well as supporting their children through Heshima House. I've sent different bits and pieces home to girlfriends, they have beautiful jewellry. Supporting single mothers. Our nephew and niece love their Safari sweaters (I want one in my size!)
And - I think their website is still in early stages, but another beautiful jewellry collection!
Thanks lovely lady for the fab links x
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