I followed Ruby-Ellen's tutorial on making an A-Frame tent and this is how it turned out. Our wood is a little wider than the wood Ruby recommended which makes the frame a tad heavier.
You will notice I have put an extra piece of dowell on the top so that our thrifted sheet covering is nice and taut. The tent cover draped in too much for my liking and the elastic slid up the legs. A possible solution to slipping elastic may be to cut a slit in the bottom of your wooden frame legs so the elastic can slide in. We don't even own a hand saw but I will grab one next time I'm at the hardware store and try this.

The other major point I would stress is not to drill your holes too big. Even though I had the correct sized drill bit for the size dowell I think I wiggled the drill around too much and it widened the hole. My holes don't have a tight grip on the dowel as Ruby suggests, therefore the tent can only be set up on carpet otherwise the tent legs do the splits! I may need a couple of clamps. It is easy to set up and pack down and I would recommend making it providing you follow the directions closely. Thanks Ruby for a fun project - I enjoyed using the power tools!!
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