May 20, 2013

Art Deco Inspired Hair Pieces: Canberra

A new handmade piece made from some lovely vintage sequin trim I found.  Inspired by the era I love!  This is newly listed in my Etsy store, gorgeous for day or night don't you think?   
This feathered piece would look fabulous with the feathers sweeping toward the front of your face.  It would really bring the blue out of your eyes and a dose of sparkle for good measure! 
I'm trying to carve out some time on the weekends for a small amount of production as things have been very slow in that department.  I have a head brimming with ideas but this seems to be the 'time poor' time-of-life for me, thus is the life with small children and a travelling husband.  I just remind myself it is for a season but man, I have really missed creating - it makes me.... something similar to 'hangry'.     

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